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MEØWMEØW成立於2019年的夏季。由前Maniac結他手 Astronaut Randy,低音結他手 Mex,前剎那樂團鼓手 Pigson 及 前Aether主音 Jack 組成。成員在組成前均活躍於樂隊圈,各自受著alternative rock, metalcore, pop-rock等類型影響,卻有著一致的音樂理念,創作出屬於MEØWMEØW獨特風格的歌曲。 MEØWMEØW 欲以各人互相沖擊的化學作用,創作出包含濃厚情緒,誘導內心對話與共鳴的音樂。無論是左右搖擺,抑或是前後搖頭,儘管你不喜歡搖滾,但你不能錯過MEØWMEØW的現場演出。 
 MEØWMEØW was founded in the summer of 2019 by former guitarist of Maniac - Randy, bassist - Mex, former drummer of KSANA - Pigson and former vocalist of Aether - Jack. The members share the same music philosophy from the inspirations gained in the genres of alternative rock, metalcore and pop-rock. MEØWMEØW attempts to create music containing strong emotions which brings introspection and resonance. The live performances will never fail to amaze headbangers, swingers or even you are not into rock music at all.