Taomi You little fuckin' ass, bum ass, dumb ass n- Pick the phone up Or I'mma kill your all family in the head Woah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah Okay, môj brat Taomi, yeah Môj brat Taomi, toto je pre teba Okay, okay Môj brat Taomi Božie požehnanie na jeho rodinu Dúfam, že sa mu pekné dieťa narodí Ale bohužiaľ mám pre teba zlú novinu Ja a tvoja bývala frajerka sme sa včera stretli v Londýne A ona porodí Veľmi skoro, lebo som sa do nej u-, oh Damn n-, why? Why you gotta say that, bro? I'm sorry, bro I miss you, bro I miss you, bro Send some beats, bro Also by the way, do you have some old-school shit like this? 'Cause this could work as well ♪ You know what I mean? You know what I mean? 'Cause that fuckin' rocks as well, dude Taomi