Before I lay my head to sleep Peering out of my clothes I'm going To Mrs Murray's A meek pirate I'd have to be To hang a jealous skeleton under an oak tree Sweep, sweep, the fouls of life Claw my knees in the valley A hummingbird controls me Did I give up Did I say what Am I alone? Some can touch me But she won't know the real me Before I lay my head to sleep Pouring out of the drawer The clothes The hat The plastic bag A meek pirate who would never agree To bury treasure in the centre of a dead sea Sweep, sweep, the fouls of life Claw my knees in the valley A hummingbird controls me Did I give up Did I say what Am I alone? Some can touch me But she won't know the real me (Done, done, done) (Done, done, done) Belief surrounds salt springs A monkey and plastic rings Forgive the town, forgive the swine, forgive the owl He's only sleeping