The twins get offended if they are questioned On their change of decision often Since they are said to have a dual nature This duality also represents exchange and interaction The sign of gemini is thought to be very adaptable and flexible Sometimes to the point of being two different personalities Yup, yay, I'm living my dream now Yeah, I'm gonna work for free from now on Since I'm having some much fun, ha ha Oh, yeah Up where the stars are almost touchable So very sensational That is what I'm aiming for Oh, but celebs are all so shallow Well, I don't care It's time to shake off these rags I am finally shot of my good half Yup, goodbye, goodbye, boo hoo Oh, eh He might be good but I'm the better half All he ever did was hold me back He and his modesty bullshit Now hold on, he doesn't mean that Oh, yes, I do Yes, I do Oh, how much more can I take Before I burst with anger and do Something I might regret later But I guess it's just a gemini's fate So why am I still intimidated By people who are always calm and sophisticated Eh, I should wear these two faces with pride Oh, well Hey, that guy can laugh at himself Oh, he must be a good person then Oh, what the hell Aaah, what the hell Eat your kids before they're grown Eat them young and eat them whole Don't give them warning So they do not have to suffer much I'm sorry children, time to go It's really nothing personal I'm just not myself when I'm hungry Remember this melody When the feelings leave your legs Don't forget that my body was your home In the first place I rather think it's time for you To show a little gratitude Because after all I made you I made you