You can live like a Minstrel If you sing well Put your soul into a roll case You can sell it out to mingle with the rich and wrinkled Set up camp where the money is made You can turn all your jingles Into singles And live a life on the cocaine But I want to keep it simple Cuase we just keep my greenfold I've been beaten by the fever I'm breaking out So make me a believer yeah yeah yeah I've been beaten by the fever I'm breaking out So make me a believer I'm aware of the riches That I'm missing That's why nothing can keep me I wanna chase the distance Waved in the sentece Of the things I believe Well I believe in systems I believe in simple pleasures I believe in my sister I believe in the distance I believe in christmas Cause I believe in family dinners I believe in champagne I believe in cake on your birthday And even when it isn't it I believe in faith I believe in praise But I don't believe in God cuase everybody's faith is different I believe in the first kiss In being Earnest Well I believe in Benny Court I believe in the time in between when its Raining and when it isn't raining anymore I believe in Oscar Wilde I believe in mild Only when I'm not inspired to have it spicy And I believe in trying to make a living as a writer Eventhough I don't know what it is it like I've been beaten by the fever I'm breaking out So make me a believer yeah yeah yeah I've been beaten by the fever I'm breaking out So make me a believer yeah Well I believe in my best friend And asking questions I believe in sitting on the next stake I believe that sweetness is something pungeant Just look out vanilla escence I believe the atmosphere that light creates Is more romantic that any word, verse or phrase And I believe that is better to be Three hours too soon than one minute too late Well I believe in nonsene I believe the strongest of promises come out of mistakes And I believe in heartache I believe that if she had listened She would'ave heard my heart brake I believe that love is a constant But I prefer lust because it fluctuates And I believe that I owe my life to this art that I imitate I've been beaten by the fever I'm breaking out So make me a believer yeah I've been beaten by the fever I'm breaking out So make me a believer yeah yeah yeah I've been beaten by the fever I'm breaking out So make me a believer I've been beaten by the fever I'm breaking out So make me a believer yeah I've been beaten by the fever I'm breaking out So make me a believer I've been beaten by the fever I'm breaking out So make me a believer I've been beaten by the fever I'm breaking out So make me a believer