The man of sorrows died in agony, struck once by God for my iniquity. He satisfied the Father's holy wrath, And drank the bitter cup in my behalf. Constrained by Christ's atoning Sacrifice, without reserve, I offer Him my life. Redeeming love compels me to proclaim The all surpassing glory of His name. Resplendent in His royal majesty, My king still wears the scars of calvary. His death wounds show the depth of selfless Love, imploring me to live for things above. Constrained by Christ's atoning Sacrifice, without reserve, I offer Him my life. Redeeming love compels me to proclaim The all surpassing glory of his name. For Him I count my life no longer mine. In His great work, a higher call I find. To lose myself and find my all in Christ, I follow on and gladly pay the price. Constrained by christ's atoning Sacrifice, without reserve, I offer Him my life. Redeeming love compels me to proclaim The all surpassing glory of his name.