In the name of honor- She was beaten and bruised, disfigured and Mutilated even worse than death- In the name of honor- She lost Her nose and lost her eyes- never to see the face of her children Again- She was abused and she was accused of cheating on her husband In the country of Pakistan- She was accused and she was abused in the Name of honors- violence, killing, beatings are justified- It's not fair- In the name of honor- He pulled he downstairs by her hair because she Didn't do the dishes right- In the name of honor- We bombed their land, Their hospitals- Killed many innocent people dead- Use American flags as Band-aids to cover something up that you cannot fucking hide- It's time That we open up our eyes, admit our own mistakes and realize we can no Longer retaliate- If we're not a part of the solution we're a part of The problem.