Lets go find our way With our heart to changes the world! No matter what they will fucking say "CMON! We must have pride, not strength Recognized that change is needed Believe change it's possible to provide support in our lives I believe, i will take you there If it was up to me before We must try to keep our head up high The price of ignorance are sin, sickness, and death No matter who are deep down inside We always have a magnificent obsession Believe in me It not just come to you But it come to each of everyone of you in this world I told myself there so much change Try not to leave, i couldn't turn back the time A diamond bullet and a gun Made of gold, so now it's time To beg from mercy and blessing CMON! It's not the end of everything GET UP It's not over I told myself there so much change Try not to leave, i couldn't turn back the time I told myself there so much change Try not to leave, i couldn't turn back the time GET UP FUCK UP!!!