I jolt in thirst My memory caves I lose my language to find my balance I stitch a headdress from carrier pigeons killed for bearing bad news The army has fallen There's no way off the island Will you marry me? The illusion of cannibalism Now the distance is too short to cross Now the body's peak is not the head but the hunchback shoulders I cry like a proud father You laugh like an electric chair Only our most cherished ghosts remain The nightmare of milk and sand pouring from skulls Of Bell inequalities and fallen cadets "What's your real name?" we shout into phones A single baby shoe in a gutter A wheezing deer covered in dead wolves giving birth to antlers Blueprints inked with venom This began as a fallout shelter A Utopian community gone maddeningly wrong A house that always floods A knot that always tightens Pipe organs gone mute The backswung hammer preempts the surrendering nail Lions run wild on the capitol The moonlight made them do it Exit music never ends: it stays immortal So behold exit dance, exit sculpture, exit love, exit law A dolphin breaches in grey noise Things exist only to say they exist Heads simply fall off Whose fault is it? I demand ethnography I pray to Mary I will never see you again I cannot bear to read the sequel I dream of you but forget the dream I wanted you to kiss my heart 20 GOTO 10