As Michael mentioned before, the first time we did this Was with the Honolulu Symphony We had actually talked a lot about the um The fact that we had all of these other characters on the show You never really know anything about what their experiences were Being from flight 815 So, for the Honolulu Symphony concert Damon and I and the other writers wrote some letters to that were We sort of imagine them as sort of messages in a bottle That were written by other members of the uh, castaways Um, and sort of the kind of thing that they would've put in a bottle And sent off to sea And I'm gonna read one now And then Jorge's gonna read another one in just a couple of minutes Dear grandpa, I never believed in God until I came to this place The first night on the beach, I followed the embers of our campfires Up into the clear and infinite sky And I didn't see stars, I saw entire galaxies I was so overwhelmed by what I saw, and that I was alive And that I was a part of everything I was seeing Albert Einstein once said there are only two ways to live One is as though nothing is a miracle And the other is as though everything is I'm definitely in the latter camp now Just like the lights of Los Angeles Always kept me from ever really seeing the sky Before I got her, I was blinded by the focus on myself God and the stars and the rest of the world Will always there for me It just took me until now to finally see them Love, your granddaughter, Jessie