Since the dawn of time Until this very dawn We're bulit to kill We're brainwashed Whose truth shall we follow? Is it really our own choice? War machines walk this earth Blindly follwing theeir voice Kill, exterminate That's what we learn about Invade, storm the gate Crush the enemy have no doubt Die, this is your fate On your own can you still feel? Shoot, glory awaits Since birth your built to kill As the blood coils the battlefield As the puppets dance to the beat of their drums Is there no bigger image? Collectively choosing our enemies Dosen't matter how we feel "Just do as I say don't defy me" Kill, exterminate That's what we leran about Invade, storm the gate Crush the enemy have no doubt Die, this is your fate On your own can you feel? Shoot, glory awaits Since birth your built to kill Die by their hand of steel Live by the lie As they send you to death Die by their hand of steel How can you deny? Its either live free of die dumb! I WILL LIVE FOR NO FLAG I WILL DIE FOR NO BANNER