Why would you let me go Why would you let me God Why would you let me go I believe in seasons I believe everything happens for a reason I believe in you God Even when weapons have been thrown You are the anchor to my soul I will remain steadfast in you Why would you let me go I've never seen the righteous forsaken I've never seen the righteous forsaken No never, never ever, ever, ever I've never seen the righteous forsaken And you will never ever forsake me You're with me in the valley, with me in the rain With me in the rain, with me in the valley Why would you let me go You said you'll never leave me nor forsake me But I ponder if letting go is your way of pruning me My questions are my makeshift rungs On this heavenly stairway A ladder to heaven where your messengers Glide between realms Glide between fears, worries and anxieties To deliver I rope my pain together Wrestling in this Jacob experience For surely you must be in this place Even if I feel alone I won't let you go My questions and doubts won't push you back You speak fear out of me You go before me Loving me out of abandonment By showering your promises over these dry bones You speak the truth of their guaranteed fulfilment You speak You You'll never let me go I'll never let you go