What you're going to hear about today is nothing short of a miracle ♪ Here's to you, sweetheart Yup ♪ Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm a little bit distracted, I go back and forth Anytime the beat is lacking I tend to get bored Sometimes my thoughts just get so loud that they can't be ignored I'll keep my head up in the clouds until my neck gets sore I got dreams and fears and bigger feelings than I bargained for They can knock me out or make me move my feet through open doors Sometimes I swim out so far I don't wanna swim no more Lucky for me i got a girl who points me back to shore She got a good head on her shoulders With the wisdom of somebody older She let the Lord Jesus mold her Don't think her fire will ever get colder She got my back like a soldier Even when I'm like a rollercoaster I run my mouth like a motor But I know I love her so you bet I told her Probably a hundred times in the first day that I said it out loud Probably a thousand times in the First week 'cause I'm just so dang proud I found someone who knows the solid ground in a shaky world You'll say "wow, go give that queen a crown" and I'll say That's my girl Steady-y-y-y-y-y-y-y Even when life gets messy Even when I'm not ready Steady-y-y-y-y-y-y-y When all the world is heavy I know my girl is steady Steady-y-y-y-y-y-y-y Even when life gets messy Even when I'm not ready Steady-y-y-y-y-y-y-y When all the world is heavy I know my girl is steady Got up my courage and I asked her to go steady with me Fast forward, now it's been a year, my goodness, time moves quickly Even when weeks went by when we were stuck in different cities You showed me time and time again that loving you ain't risky You gotta be the prettiest girl on earth but you only flirt with me You would probably make gold Question its worth but you never hurt nobody You show me just how this grace thing Works even through the dirt you've seen Dang, I love my steady introverted favorite human being Her love is strong like a current But I still held onto my burdens I felt like I wanna earn it But I had to go and relearn it My girl she got good discernment Said love ain't 'bout stacking up sermons This fire ain't built by my working It's already there and it's burning This is too good to be true, being with you is the best thing Got me feeling like I'm new, it's just the greatest blessing You help me see that Jesus ain't 'bout earning or impressing How sweet it is to know I'm loved and there's no second guessing Steady-y-y-y-y-y-y-y Even when life gets messy Even when I'm not ready Steady-y-y-y-y-y-y-y When all the world is heavy I know my girl is steady Steady-y-y-y-y-y-y-y Even when life gets messy Even when I'm not ready Steady-y-y-y-y-y-y-y When all the world is heavy I know my girl is steady Steady-y-y-y-y-y-y-y Steady-y-y-y-y-y-y-y