Jiana Wessel

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From the coastal blue waters of South Florida, America comes the singing siren and songwriter Jiana Wessel. Fans have described her voice as beautiful and delicate like “crystals” similar to Sarah Brightman and yet it can also be dark like Amy Lee. Jiana Wessel is a symphonic-metal artistic with an Operatic and Gothic twist! She enjoys employing her deep chest voice while also singing well about the staff all in one song! “We Are Fire” is her original debut E.P. released on September 17, 2017! The record is Symphonic-Metal with an Operatic and Gothic twist. This record is a story of coming of age, of realizing who you are and owning it proudly! The first single of the original EP is called Gothic March, released on Bandcamp on 6/6/17 and now available on all digital stores! The song Gothic March is about owning your own individuality and standing proud for who you are even if it makes you an outcast. For your own uniqueness is what makes you powerful! Jiana aims to empower people and make a difference with her music. Her music is for the goths, rebels, outcasts, heathens, pagans, lesbians, gays, transgenders, and anyone else who feels out of place in society. She reminds them that there’s a dragon within in them! She is an avid of human rights, equal rights, social rights, the feminist movement, religious tolerance, environmental protection and animal rights. You can reach her by email at music@jianawessel.com, or Facebook.