Cast down thine anchor, your ship is at bay The tide, she is calling, but I beg thee to stay For fate, she has told me a secret of thine From me, ne'er shall you stray The sea doth roar with the wind and the gale Yet this Hadan hall, so deep, shall prevail For leagues below, with darkness aglow No wind, nor rain shall assail Heed my calling Walk with me on the ocean floor We'll stay hand in hand, till we can no more Breathe the air of a Siren sky And through the waters we'll soar Moonlight strikes through the dark of the night May mine eyes be your sailor's delight Cease, be at ease, all fears, do appease Your silence and peace, I do plight No mortal, nor demon, nor warrior bold May siege o're this palace of silence and cold Safe you'll be in the arms of the sea Our grasp is a force to behold Heed my calling Walk with me on the ocean floor We'll stay hand in hand, till we can no more Breathe the air of a Siren sky And through the waters we'll soar Place on my finger, a diamond or gold For soon we shall live out a legend foretold Close thine eyes to the sea's lullabies And I'll sing you the stories of old Walk with me on the ocean floor We'll stay hand in hand, till we can no more Breathe the air of a Siren sky And through the waters we'll soar