I make $4.25 Barely enough to stay alive And it sucks making minimum wage The same as people half my age My brain is turning into crud And my name might as well be mud What self-respect i had was lost When I call a primate boss $4.25 Over 40 zillion served And still you say what i deserve Are the few dollars that i make With all the profit you take And I'm just another soldier In the army without a face And who cares how I feel Cause i can easily be replaced $4.25 The next time you eat at a burger joint Just stop and think About the money they're makin For the shit they're takin And just how much it stinks Someone with an attitude comes along And says "these pickles don't belong" "No sauce" "no onions" "easy on the mayo" Drivin me buggy have me singin dayo Dayayo Woman want cheeseburger, but she don't want no cheese $4.25 I have a dream and here's how it goes One day we'll all bond together And the young and the old and the mentally slow Won't work another day ever And then Ronald and Jack, the King and Wendy too Will be the one's saying "May I help you?" Hope to see that day When I'm alive But for now I'm makin $4.25