Every day is pitch black From disinformation abuse It's hard to grasp The magnitude of your decline Sculpting my manifest I'm done with you and the self-posessed Arrogant fuck you've become Betrayal is the very Foundation of this relation It's hard to grasp The magnitude of your decline It's hard to grasp The magnitude of your decline You're made of a thousand stitches Put together by a broken self We were destined to end here This was always the end game As we sink into the violent abyss Sculpting my manifest Sculpting my manifest It's hard to grasp The magnitude of your decline The stench of failure Never ceases Betrayal is the very Foundation of this relation In human flesh My obituary Written in your remains This was always the end game As we sink into the violent abyss Sculpting my manifest Sculpting my manifest I'll use you to set an example Sculpting my manifest Sculpting my manifest Sculpting my manifest Sculpting my manifest In your remains Sculpting my manifest Sculpting my manifest Sculpting my manifest Sculpting my manifest Sculpting my manifest