Some people make me sad They walk past me With the rattle of buried bodies in their skeletons And I am interested in why they haven't dropped them off yet How they have gotten so comfortable With the weight of death on their backs And I wonder If they have seen stars in their eyes And moons beneath their smirk But you can tell That a mirror would only give them nightmares And I wish I could wake them up Untuck them from the comfort of lonely And remind them that some dreams do come true That a heart with chameleon like pain Won't always be that color Even though the past and present hunts them like a vidual eternity Scaring the peace out of their faith I place my two fingers next to their weary hands And pinky promise them That worship isn't too far from their reaches Long as they are willing to try Willing to crawl A dying hope to the edge of the Throne of Mercy Drag their weak hearts Into the castle skies of David's God And beg for Him to reign there when no umbrella Just heaven disrupting the hell and prison beneath their ribcage Filling your lungs with songs that have been too scared to fly It is okay Your earthly tears will be a means for praise The day that you see your King's face And He wipes them away So smile Because peace is coming