One motherfucker says to another Let's build a hospital to rip off the poor The buildings already there and everyone is dying He didn't have much to say back How much money can we get It was seven thirty and other people started to trickle in Drinks with bitter herbs No handshakes to avoid contagion Nobody laughs Only the two drunks laugh and they laugh too much Twenty four hours later prowling around the room Alone busy as a bee with immaculate gray hair As the heat mist veiled the sun And then darkness after that With all the wickedness momentarily gone Either retreating into dreams Or flying around the earth looking for the next host Thick panes of glass denying that its anything But a glass house I want to destroy all traces of the future I want to make the past as though you streamed it on a screen I want to make your present a hamster wheel exercise N keeping yourself alive You only know you're alive if you run Run fucker run We don't need to justify pain We don't need to convince anyone We picked up the rock that was California Underneath the rock we saw millions of bugs scurrying around Capital making itself known under the merciless sun This is how the west was won Some prisoners were kept alone Some in their houses in dismal passionless space The walls beaten by the long drawn caresses of wind Foreshadowing unearthly extremes of suffering and madness But also compassion If you pick up the right rock I don't know about you but I'm tired of picking up rocks And putting them down again The mossy foothills preempting cliffs Burning triangles onto black and white film Even though death is the ultimate rebellion I still want to live And I'll carry the plague with me Everywhere that I go