For so long I was a leaf I clung to the branch of a dying tree Turning red, then turning over I made the best of the rest of October Until one day, I gave up and died Begging for water he couldn't provide I wished him well His well was dry I floated down to the river Hoping the sound and the soul was delivered And on the way he started to flee Wouldn't belong to the river of Eve The secret of life Now I've got the key I've got the key I've got the key But I can't find the lock so it's no use to me La Dee Da Da Da I'm not worried La Dee Da Da Da Haven't a care La Dee Da Da Da I'm happy though I'm Neither here nor there Neither here nor there I followed the trail of a snail and it led Down to the banks of the river bed And oh, it shimmered when the light hit it But that's not the point and I'm scared that you miss it See, it doesn't matter How long it takes How long it takes How long it takes I'm getting further every single day La Dee Da Da Da I'm not worried La Dee Da Da Da Haven't a care La Dee Da Da Da I'm happy though I'm Neither here nor there Now I've danced with many demons Deep in the closets I keep em But I no longer see them I don't need them I don't need them La Dee Da Da La Dee Da Da Da La Dee Da Da Da I'm happy though I'm neither here nor there La Dee Da Da Da I'm not worried La Dee Da Da Da Haven't a care La Dee Da Da Da I'm happy though I'm Neither here nor there Neither here nor there La Dee Da Da Da La Dee Da Da Da La Dee Da Da Da La Dee Da Da Da La Dee Da Da Da