Vou aguentar, resistir Passar pra lá e sumir Vou respirar, tentar o amor Fracassar, sim, senhor Sou sua caça, bicho do mato Caçadora, querendo contato Vou me rasgar, formiga Animalesca ao deus-dará Happiness is like any kind of ball Everybody wants it But when they have, they'll kick it And I'm no different from that shit Me dá um coice, me dá carinho Causar na tocaia qualquer burburinho Vou te admirar de mau humor Envergonhar qualquer escritor Happiness is like any kind of ball Everybody wants it But when they have, they'll kick it And I'm no different from that shit This is my shit This is your shit This is our shit This is so full of shit, that I hope Something will grow in it This is so full of shit, that I hope Something will grow in it This is so full of shit This is so full of shit This is so full of shit This is so full of shit This is so full of shit, that I hope Something will grow in it This is so full of shit, that I hope Something will grow in it