Checking in? What's the last name? Just a sec, a note just came for you... Sorry, we've got a problem... It appears that your inclination To end the lives of your fellow countrymen Has made it tough to admit you. To the right, if you'd like, is a door to the bottom Of the world - Where you go if you feel lost or forgotten. Oh, we know that it's not at all an ideal system, But the man at the top is just too busy to listen To the left is a sort of way station Where you wait if you don't accept your fate. So take your time, we'll be waiting I'll add a note and we'll call you - But I can say a reply to Complaints can take a century longer Or, if you'd like, you can do us a particular favor - Just consent, sign your name here on the back of this waiver. I admit that it's not the most attractive of wagers, But compared to who you're dealing with you're certainly braver. To the right that's where the bad guys go all alone And to the left that's where the old lost souls say hello And so alright, have you made your mind up yet? We'll send you back but you're on a mission: Who sent you here didn't have the guts to face The fucking fact that they'd chosen To spend forever in torment - Bring em back for their descent to hell. Is that a task you can handle? You'll be equipped with the superpowers usually given To the bodyguards protecting all the angels in heaven. When you're done, see me here and we'll discuss compensation - If there's something I can say, it's we're especially patient. To the right that's where the bad guys go all alone And to the left that's where the old lost souls Say hello and so alright, take your time You'll be equipped with the superpowers usually given To the bodyguards protecting all the angels in heaven. When you're done, see me here and we'll discuss compensation - If there's something I can say, it's we're especially patient.