Infiltrate the god damn system Burn the throne kill all kings Fight against the world wide crisis Light the fire and watch it burn Kill all kings illuminati Tie their hands take the rings Kill all kings illuminati Kill all kings Turn away from all thats known society Burn the throne and kill all kings community Expose the ghosts and kill em all United snakes and pyramides Ash to ash dust to dust Kill all kings and do it now Kill all kings illuminati Tie their hands take the rings Kill all kings illuminati Kill all kings Turn away from all thats known society Burn the throne and kill all kings community Expose the ghosts and kill em all United snakes and pyramides Expose the ghosts and kill em all United snakes and pyramides Kill all kings illuminati Tie their hands take the rings Kill all kings illuminati Kill all kings Turn away from all thats known society Burn the throne and kill all kings community Expose the ghosts and kill em all United snakes and pyramides Expose the ghosts and kill em all United snakes and pyramides Ghosts behind the curtain Tie their hands and take the rings The ghosts we feed your servant Kill the snake take the head Kill all kings 4 x kill all kings illuminati Tie their hands take the rings kill all kings Illuminati kill all kings