Crossing the Line of Hatred Crossing the Line of Fear, we all march ahead Facing ignorance as it pours upon our head Fighting resurrection of a world so left behind Though they try to hunt us down like dogs, still we fight WE are CROSSING Crossing Motherfucker Crossing Crossing the Line Of Fear Sick and tired of this world that has bullied us like sheep Now is our time to Rise from the ruins of defeat Crossing the line of Hatred Crossing the line of Fear Crossing the line of everything that is pushing us to the rear We are the Fire that burns you We are the fighters, the Legions not the underdog You are the Liar, Defiled YOU Filthier than the dust in deep dark dungeon halls Time to sound up the alarm Time to sound up your alarm motherfuker Time to sound up the alarm The legions are moving For we are now CROSSING Crossing Crossing Crossing the line of FEAR By the Anger in our hearts And the Sadness in our soul You'll BURN By the Anger in our hearts And the Sadness in our soul We channel all our rage to bring you down Motherfucker By the Anger in our hearts And the Sadness in our Soul We channel all our rage to bring you down Restless from your throne You're gone For we Have Overcome The FEAR