Oh, so long ago, In many times and ways, God, through the prophets, spoke. But in these last days, A new song is sung; A beautiful word is breathed: His only begotten Son Is incarnated for our belief. He's the radiance of the glory of God, Word become flesh dwelling among us Not to condemn but to reconcile us to Our most gracious God! What wondrous mystery: He, through Whom all things were made, Was made nothing for me And in a manger laid, That through His perfect life And most obedient death He might His children save From sin and brokenness. He's the radiance of the glory of God, Word become flesh dwelling among us Not to condemn but to reconcile us to Our most gracious, Our most gracious God! In His holy child Lay the promise of comfort and peace, And such a promise fulfilled Calls for praise which will never cease! He's the radiance of the glory of God, Word become flesh dwelling among us Not to condemn but to reconcile us to Our most gracious God!