She finds herself in the home of a stranger She senses there's an emptiness she can fill She just wants to put her whole life behind her She just wants something that she can call real She's looking for a magic bullet A mystic trigger and the will to pull it She's looking for a magic bullet And time, Time is not on her side He takes her hand, The night is determined And down this road they know they must go He just needs one more taste of his medicine He just wants to forget the days that are gone He's looking for a magic bullet A mystic trigger and the will to pull it He's looking for a magic bullet And time, Time is not on his side Time is not is not is side And there's only tonight Time is not on his side And there's only tonight We're all looking for a magic bullet A mystic trigger And the will to pull it We're all looking for a magic bullet And time, Time is not on our side Time is not on our side We've only got tonight Time is not on our side We're all looking for a magic bullet We're looking for a magic bullet We're looking for a magic bullet Looking for a magic Magic Got tonight