Part One: Worlds Apart Instrumental Part Two: Wayfinders Ten days across the water Swift as the steamers are Ten days of storms and danger Two thousand fathoms and more Soundings of depth are taken A line sent far below Wayfinders on the ocean Making new ground for us all And so it seems Power is knowledge And time is an object To overcome Close the distance Bring all together A world undivided Let mankind be as one Hard fought new ground can be lost Signals can fade away High seas and tempest break us Lost to the depths and the void And so it seems Power is knowledge And time is an object To overcome Close the distance Bring all together A world undivided Let mankind be as one Part Three: Great Eastern Men of the Great Eastern Answer the call They have no cross to bear They are as one The line will hold Bring it to earth Give power to the words That cross the world From distant lands The shape of the Great Eastern Takes form in the mist All that was lost is found Back from the deep The wire sings New world meets old The continents are joined Together again With the thrill of the line Part Four: Lightning Through Deep Waters Instrumental Part Five: The Sound of Quiet Voices We make new common ground With light and sound Close the distance Open minds Hear the quiet words The wisdom of strangers Of those left behind We look up at the same stars See further as one