So, World War I is won The NPS days are done The MOD say that radio is the way Pigeons have had their day But Major Osman believes Radio is still in its infancy He can still see the need To get the NPS back on its feet February 23rd 1942 A Beaufort bomber returning home With a four man crew Major Osman believes radio Is still in its infancy So Bomber Command issue This rule which states that 'Two pigeons accompany each crew' If the radio can't be used Because pen pushers need their proof With one engine down They had to ditch into the sea The radio operator had time To send an SOS But radio contact went down Upon the impact The SOS it is received But there is nothing more No coordinates, no way to know If the crew are still alive In pitching waves, fuel and oil A pigeon is released NEU40 NSL 'Winkie', starts her flight She takes to the sky Air Sea Rescue search But it's a hopeless task With no coordinates The search area is just too vast In a life raft they must wait and pray The crew have one hope to survive Fly safely home, Winkie God's speed be with you God's speed be with you, Winkie At dawn the very next morn Sgt. Davidson sees Winkie has flown home He phones the information through Gets the message to Air Sea Rescue HQ The time she'd taken to fly back Calculating wind speed And the condition of the bird Considering her fatigue They could narrow down the search Air Sea Rescue heed the call 'New information... try once more' Where once before they'd Searched in vain They must venture out again Now there is hope where Chance was slim But thank God, fifteen minutes in The crew are found, safe and sound Thanks to their winged saviour You flew safely home Winkie Hey, the inaugural recipient You flew straight, flew true Winkie