This is for everyone, because our world is changing 全ての人に捧げます 世界は変わり続けてるから This is to all the girls who ever thought they had to look or be a certain way This is to my self esteem trying to drag me down every... moment To that little incoherent voice drilling it's cold metal mouth into whatever soul it can get And yelling 'why aren't you doing enough' Why aren't you doing enough WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ENOUGH To mum and dad, because I didn't want them to see This is to all the girls who may have mocked me The girls who may have mocked you This is to all the boys who may have touched themselves thinking about my ass Yeah I said it, I said it, say it, say Sure I can hide behind filters, I can hide behind words I can hide behind screens and go with whatever is but I can't hide from myself anymore, I can't And you will be leaving un-satisfied because this song is not about you And it's not about me to It's about saying what we are all thinking, really? Really Don't clap