
Nevadah lyrics

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EN: After they released their first demo in 2016, in 2018 they recorded their first album called "We're Coming to You", composed of 8 songs. During those years they have toured outstanding basque stages (Helldorado, Bilborock, Kafe Antzokia de Bilbao, Plateruena Kafe Antzokia) and part of France. In the wake of the pandemic, and with the addition of Ekhi in 2021, they have spent 3 years in the shadows, awakening the creativity and working on new songs. In 2022 they have recorded their latest album "Still Goes On"; an album recorded at Lorentzo Records studio including 8 songs. - - - - - - - - - 
 EUS: Nevadah 2014. urtean Durangaldean sortutako taldea da. Rock and Rolla, Garagea eta Blues-a dira jorratzen dituen musika-estiloak. 
 2016an lehen maketa argitaratu ostean, 2018an estudioko lehen lana grabatu zuten, “We´re Coming to You” izenekoa, 8 kantaz osatua. Urte hauetan zehar, Euskal Herriko eszenatoki ugaritan jotzen aritu ziren (Helldorado, La Reole (Fr), Bilborock, Bilboko Kafe Antzokia, Durangoko Plateruena…), aurreko abeslaria Jon Agirrek taldea utzi zuen arte. Pandemiaren ondorioz, eta 2021ean Ekhi Arrieta abeslari moduan sartu baino lehen, 3 urtez kanta berriak sortzen aritu ziren entsegu lokaleko itzalean sartuta. 
 2022. urtean euren 3 diska grabatu dute Lorentzo Records-en, “Still Goes On” izenekoa eta hau ere 8 kanta indartsuz osatutakoa.