No debate, Shame the game Shut ‘em down in the mane of change Those against your point of view A homophobe, racist, or bigot to you It all stay, we'll stay or apologize For what In say You're here to silence me And I'm ready to fight The race caretel They need us divided While the mainstream press Do their best to hide it Divide us up by our skin color Try to make us hate each other Silence is not my choice So let them hear our voice Not about practice All about preach Call me a bigot If you don't like what I teach Try to destroy me When you don't like what I say You are the lynch mob You are the business of hate Speak the lies, Perpetuate Make victims, teach them to hate All of this shall seal your fate Cry for help when it's too late A business run on fear and blame Times have changed but tune's the same Don't blame your faults on me It's on you You're like a maggot Feeding on the back of those you've come To live off and the suits you've come To rip off Your war of hate, disguised as compassion But out of sight the checks They keep on cashing Not about practice All about preach Call me a bigot If you don't like what I teach Try to destroy me When you don't like what I say You are the lynch mob You are the business of hate The salem witch trials Have come back around All afraid to make a sound Don't tell me who I am And what I believe It all depends on you And how you perceive, yeah No freedom of speech We're politically correct Thanks to this moral defect They tell you it's this But it's actually that two steps upfront Four steps back, uh We cover and apologize ‘cause we're trained to And it won't change until we push back The only thing they want is our silence And they only have control If we don't fight back Not about practice All about preach Call me a bigot If you don't like what I teach Try to destroy me When you don't like what I say You are the lynch mob You are the business of hate.