Chimneys power lines weather vanes Under green waves forget to breath a minute In a painting I see the same dream with an upside down person in it It's a flotsam jetsam quicksand new world old worth thing Where you're lock jawed sea foaming At the mouth shuffling dead ambling Salaried and all alone looking up From below an air traffic control tower It's paneled blue and green my brain can't Handle anything it's throbbing and pulsing for hours Preoccupied with industrial products and nonsense symbolism Like a Christmas gorilla that's being harassed and driven Brain plummet Can I die from it? My stomach... Nurses office purchased raw fish bad luck death wish ejector switch In an empty office drifting off I see colors and a portal and an iridescent gasoline fish Two feet underwater with a fish that Looks like me it has a set of human teeth Three feet underwater with a set of human Teeth they're yellow black and green and pink Four feet underwater and I got a nosebleed acrylic paint and kerosene Five feet underwater in a body Melting dream I'm swimming downward in debris Six feet underwater and inverted at The knee I'm looking up at grayish feet Seven feet underwater with a set of human Feet there's a pilgrim's hat beneath the sea Eight feet underwater just a pilgrim's Hat and me they wear them at the cemetery Ninth level of the cobblestone casino Cemetery they're serving Filipino meats