Is friendship a debt Some aren't willing to repay Do they often run away Is it all who you know Living off those of your own As if that's what we're all here for Are the people that you knew Now the people you just know of All off in a different place Do you search out for more Are you lonely or bored With no one left to set you straight Know i often Am running away From debts i Can't seem to repay You may take from me You may break me down But i'm lost not Having you around Will you feel broken down When there's no one left around Will you feel you've had enough Will the love in your heart Leave you all falling apart Til your friends come and stitch you up Ones we had and ones we lost Or fallen out of touch Days may change but friends we'll stay I am here for you always Always I've been holding on Holding out for you But i'm finding now There's nothing i can do To keep working at it I keep breaking down I'm so lost without it Having you all around Ones we had and ones we lost Or fallen out of touch Days may change but friends we'll stay I am here for you always Always