Hold my hand, my honey honey Look me in the eye, oh look me in the eye Through the pounding waves And the sinking sand Glad I found you here, my honey honey I've been a young man with idyllic views I scared off all my friends with the things I knew I've been lots of bad and way more sad I'm glad I found you here, my honey honey Hold my hand, my honey honey Look me in the eye, oh look me in the eye Through the pounding waves And the sinking sand I'm glad I found you here, my honey honey Coming up short now on the drive again Thinking I can't see your eyes my friend Oh my head's so hard, but my heart's so weak Because you taste so sweet, my sugar honey Hold my hand, my honey honey Look me in the eye, oh look me in the eye Through the pounding waves And the sinking sand I'm glad I found you here, my honey honey