Puppets on a string, you happy now? Babies getting born underground Everybody prays, everybody says: "Peace shall come soon" I hope somebody hurts you My soil, my old soil You don't deserve this war My soil, my old soil You don't deserve this all Please - make it a dream, a bad bad one Please - who wants to see that happening right now? For those who really do: Go fuck yourselves Your mothers didn't raise you to become like this My soil, my old soil You don't deserve this war My soil, my old soil You don't deserve this all How I wanna go to the place where I was 3 or 4 growing on your soil How I wanna go to the place where I was 3 or 4 growing on your soil My soil, my old soil You don't deserve this war My soil, my old soil You don't, you don't My soil, my old soil You don't deserve this war My soil, my old soil You're too young to die Too brave to hide from the evil on this earth