So much judgement But are you God No, I'm not perfect Who made you judge, jury To convict me of my crimes Punish me for my sins You read on the timeline Can't you see the speck in your eye But I won't pay no mind I've worked too hard on myself To try and please somebody else Forgiven today But you'll remember tomorrow All of my mistakes That you can't seem to let go I've repented you should know Mercy Please extend mercy on me Mercy Please extend mercy on me We all fall short sometimes You can cancel me But it won't make things right Mercy Please extend mercy on me Have mercy on me The same way you judge me judge yourself Do you need a mirror just to see what I see When did you become an executioner Does hate pay your bills Your heart's much colder than a thief's Forgiveness today Then I'll remember tomorrow All of their mistakes That I can't seem to let go (gotta let it go) But they've repented I know Mercy Please extend mercy on me Mercy Please extend mercy on me We all fall short sometimes You can cancel me But it won't make things right Mercy Please extend mercy on me I know it's easier said than done But look what you've become Not only did He die for you He died for worst of us too Saint and sinner (sinner) Gentile believer (believer) He's our redeemer (redeemer) So let Him do a work in you He'll show you grace So please extend some Mercy Please extend mercy on me Mercy Please extend mercy on me We all fall short sometimes You can cancel me But it won't make things right Mercy Please extend mercy on me Mercy over judgement Love over hate Mercy triumphs over judgement Coz we all make mistakes Mercy over judgement Love over hate Mercy triumphs over judgement Coz we all make mistakes Mercy over judgement Love over hate Mercy triumphs over judgement Coz we all make mistakes