Vivien Yap

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Artist   ·  33 367 listeners per month

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<< a quick directory >> latest release: back to me fave release (so far): MY BEST most popular EP: Fables hear me live: Fables, Retold (Live at the End of The World) to the stupid one who got away: Lonely Lovers to the annoying indie soft boy: Horoscope feat. Vivien Yap to the foreigner trying to make sense of your home: Class Mates to the estranged family: Still Christmas to that long distanced casual lover: Loved Again to the guy that can't take a hint: don't touch me. to the sweaty high school sweetheart: The Spot to God, or whoever created this universe: I just wanna die!!! to you, when you need it the most: Wonderful new music on the way, she 5eva struggling